
In sound we are born,
in sound we are healed

About me

I spent my childhood & teenage years in Asia, specifically in Vietnam & Indonesia, where I became fascinated by Buddhist temples and the influence that many spiritual practices placed over Asian cultures. When I reached my mid-20s, I began to embrace alternative paths of knowledge and well-being and encouraged me to find ways to incorporate them in our modern western society.

Early exposure to healing practices opened my curiosity to define my own way of helping people to become whole and balanced. My journey formally began when I participated in multiple Energy Healing courses in Hungary. Incorporating the learnings into my life routine and having practiced them for years among my circle of friends and family, helped me understand that my abilities should be known outside my intimate social circle and be used for the wellbeing of others too. In parallel, I learned Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), from which I have taken elements in my communication to guide those who seek my support for a healthy and balance life. NLP is an approach created in the 1970s and it is used worldwide with the aim to change undesired behaviors using communication and psychology techniques.

The sessions that you will experience are based on the Tibetan and Chakra Singing Sound Healing bowls method based on healing sounds and frequencies, that relies on one of the most important human senses which is the sense of sound, and the positive influence the frequencies have over the water molecules contained in our body. As such, Tibetan and Chakra Singing Sound Healing bowls are the ideal instruments that emanate the right healing frequencies, and are the most adequate, non-invasive vehicle, to achieve human body, mind, spirit and soul equilibrium.

5 years ago, I received the most wonderful present that the Universe could give me as a woman, which was giving birth to my beautiful son. I have the pleasure to experience the use of singing bowls with him and witness the power that singing bowls have over kids. Children are naturally curious, intelligent, they benefit from their cognitive faculties and spiritual development at an early age, to become healthy and balanced adults. For this reason, I have created a special sound healing session for children to experience the healing frequencies in a dynamic and fun way.

In summary, the positive influence to the brain through voice and empathy, cleaning of the spirit and the rebalance of the body to its natural frequencies are a unique combination experienced in my Sound Healing sessions to achieve a balanced and harmonious body & mind.

This journey has been filled with awareness of who I am and after living 23 years in The Netherlands my urge to help people has increased, with a truly open heart, staying true to my values: unconditional love, balance & harmony, honesty, integrity & health.


Tibetan Singing Bowls

Tibetan singing bowls have been used since the 12th century by monks in Tibetan monasteries. The bowls can consist of 7 metals (gold, silver, tin, copper, iron, mercury and lead or antimony). The bowls come in different sizes and each produces a different vibration and effect on different parts of the brain and body.

Our body is made up of more than 70% water, therefore the sound waves produced by the singing bowls penetrate deep into the muscles, organs, bones and body tissues. You feel vibrational frequencies throughout your body during the Sound Healing session, especially when the bowls are placed on specific body parts such as chest, stomach, legs, shoulders, spine, hands.

Our body takes over the vibration of the singing bowls and start to vibrate accordingly. The vibrational sound is when healing takes place. Sound healing synchronizes brain waves to achieve profound states of relaxation, helping to restore the normal vibratory frequencies of the cells in our bodies. When you let your body completely be in a relaxed state, you achieve a deep state of mind & inner peace, where your pure consciousness and intuition flow and let go everything what no longer serves you. Hence, experiencing a special connection between body, mind and soul that remains for several days after each session.

Together with your loved ones or friends you can experience the wonderful effect of the singing bowls, experience their vibrations and sounds.  When two people are treated at the same time, their tensions or disharmony disappear and ultimately their energies align. The sessions help them to improve, to make their relationship even better and more loving.

Chakra Crystal Singing Bowls

Chakra Crystal singing bowls are vibration instruments that produce beautiful sounds. The vibration level of singing bowls is very high due to their composition of 99,9% natural quartz.

The use of Chakra Crystal singing bowls for sound healing allows to respond faster and more favorably to sound as therapy.

The crystal bowls energy spreads in all directions within our body, it is intense and it is sensed immediately, because their sound occur on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. The sound is harmonious and spreads along the nervous system to the organs, body tissues and cells, creating a deep healing effect.

“”Anett is een zeer prettige, professionele en vriendelijke klankschalen therapeut. Ze geeft enorm fijne en ontspannende klankschalen therapie met veel persoonlijke aandacht. Ik zou haar sessies aan iedereen willen aanraden. Ze is geweldig! Ik geef haar ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Anett has been very pleasant and professional through my sessions. She made me feel in a very comfort and peaceful (not easy at all) zone. I felt a huge connection that made the whole session even more pleasant. She’s very thoughtful about your person and her empathy will make the whole “setting a comfort zone” process a lot easier!
I recommend her 10/10.

I am extremely happy of my choice to put myself in Anett’s hands. I was not expecting to be as relaxed as I felt that day and to my surprise, I kept such level of peace even days after. I am not the person who easily commits to a repeat but this time I decided to have a second session with her. Thank you so much Anett!


A friend recommended Anett to me, and so we decide to do an on-body session-tibetian bowls, Now I’m recommending Anett and her sessions to you! I had an incredible journey and my body and mind felt so out of space! There were Beautiful sounds and vibrations all over my body! Anett give you a warm gentle  welcome and some instructions and then journey to relax will start!  Enjoy🤩

Anett is such a caring and attentive woman, I feel very comfortable around her. During our session with Anett, I have the feeling that everything is about me at that moment. Once I hear the bowls singing I feel like my soul is being massaged. I find the sound and the vibrations of the singing bowls very powerful and her connection with the bowls even doubles the effect they have on people. Sezin

Wonderful experience during Anett’s private Sound healing session. The atmosphere she created was truly pleasant with the details she created. Highly recommended. – A.J.

Its my second time to experience the individual Sound Bath with Anett. Her singing bowls are truly magical and I never felt such vibrations in different parts in my body. I am looking forward to a new session. I also had back pain which seems after these sessions to almost disappear. Anett gave me all the insights what actually happens during the Sound Healing sessions and how it effects body & mind & soul. Best regards, Vera P.

Fantastic! A new door opened up to me how healing can take place. Very recommended. Andreas from NL

Today I received a wonderful chakra sound massage and aura cleansing session from Anett.
We started with the Gong, which immediately gave me a deep relaxation. It felt like being under a large rain shower head but instead of water I was showered by sound waves. Never experienced anything like it.
During the session Anett moves around you like a weightless entity, you can’t even hear her change position nor feel the air move around you,  then all of a sudden you hear and feel the waves of sound arriving from different directions. The combination of delicate sound and frequencies that penetrate your ears, organs and cells is an undescribable beautiful feeling. At one point I wept from the emotions. One hour flew by and I rose up like another person. Thank you for your loving  pampering Anett. Namaste, 🙏 Agnes

I have been to group session from Anett and decided to try her private sessions. I love both experiences but the private session blew me away. I never could image that I feel so much ” unknown” in a very positive way. I can only recommend Anett with my open heart because she creates the whole session magical and healing. I already booked my second session with her 🙂 Kind regards, Patricia M.

Via een workshop klankschalen healing sessie kwam in aanraking met Anett. Ik was diep onder de indruk van de klankschalen sessie en heb meteen daarna een  aantal privé sessie bij haar ingepland.
Anett is fijn persoon, je voelt je snel op je gemak en ze neemt echt de tijd voor je! Ik heb veel aan haar begeleiding en tips in mijn proces.
Als je een “ ontspanningsmassage” wil of begeleiding wil in je eigen proces dan zou ik haar zeker aanbevelen!!!

We have been to a group session at Anett’s location and it was an incredible experience, to be specific a “journey of sounds” :). She used a lot of her instruments but all of us fall in love with the chakra crystal singing bowls. Anett also explained to us upfront few details to know about the bowls, how the session is build up overall and really made us completely comfortable and relaxed as of the beginning. After the session we had time to come back into “reality”. We had a nice calm chat with a cup of tea / water. One of us had a previous experience with Sound bath however if she compares it was totally different due to the fact that Anett’s is a gentle, compassionate, intuitive Sound Practitioner who knows how to ” doze”.  Not hitting the bowls too hard which can be very unconfortable. The session reflects her style, personality and shows she is there to help / heal people who turn to her. Highly recommended!

I had the pleasure to participate in two group sessions of Anett. Not only she made us all experience a journey trough healing sounds but with her simplicity to create a peaceful environment, vibes, words of speaking to the heart and positive energy in the room was truly unforgettable. My next intention is to book a private session with her since I would like to experience sound healing on a different level. Highly recommend to visit Anett on one of her group sessions. Sincerely, Magda J., Amsterdam

My session with Annett was very peaceful, zen, relaxing, and it calmed my entire system. It brought me a lot of emotional and mental clarity, because of the calming and healing effect. I highly recommend her sound meditation sessions to everyone.

I attended Anett’s group Sound Healing session for the first time. I must say, I already signed up for the next one :). Her approach, unique combination of singing bowls and other instruments being used was exceptional. Her pure intention to create a magical experience for all participants is already in the air when she opens the session. Her gentle voice is perfect to relax, unwind and discover what more is in all of us. Very recommended service!

I booked a sound healing session for my 5,5 years old daughter with Anett and the session was awesome! Didn’t know what to expect but Anett guided us into a great sound experience where my daughter could try and also feel the different ” instruments” like singing bowls and drums. After which we were treated to a great experience where  we lay down and fully relaxed. The whole session was in a very relaxed and nice atmosphere and so that my normally at the start a bit shy daughter, felt right at home straight away. Super cool for kids if they are a bit into this kind of sounds and we already booked new sessions with Anett. We highly recommend her! Roel, Amsterdam, physiotherapist, 45 years old

Ik had een fantastische sound healing ervaring met Anett.
Ik heb meerdere klachten qua pijn in mijn lichaam en ik kan
nu al zeggen dat de eerste sessie me goed heeft geholpen.
Bovenal heb ik na een lange tijd een eerste nacht goed geslapen.
Ik besloot om 5 sessies te boeken, niet alleen dat ik een beetje korting krijg,
maar vooral geloof ik dat een paar sessies me zullen helpen om mijn pijn op lange termijn te verzachten.
Beveel Anett ten zeerste aan, die een zachte aanpak heeft en ook haar intuïtieve gave gebruikt tijdens haar sessie.
P.M., Amsterdam


Het was een hele leuke ervaring met de privé Sound Healing sessie van Anett. 
Ik heb gekozen voor de combinatie van 70 minuten die absoluut de moeite waard was, om ook de kristallen klankschalen te ervaren. 
Anett nam de tijd voor mij om een ​​comfortabel gesprek te hebben en in mijn eigen tijd terug te komen naar de ruimte. 
Ik vermeld dit omdat niet iedereen zo genereus is met zijn tijd. Beveel deze lieve dame ten zeerste aan!

My first time was top! Booked my second round as well, this time with the Crystal bowls. Cant wait! Thank you Anett!!!

I consider Anett and her sound healing sessions a true hidden gem in Amsterdam 🙂
She’s been conscious on adjusting each of my sessions to “disconnect” me from unpleasant stress, to ultimately achieve peace of mind to face few challenges I’m facing currently. It has been an absolute delight and pleasure to have met Anett to help me finding myself.